Development of the Rail Trail

Passing through beautiful subalpine countryside and farmland, the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail is NSW’s first true rail trail. 

Locals worked tirelessly for 18 years to bring the project to life. Over the timeline below you can read about the effort put in by various groups to make this dream a reality. 

After opening in 2020, the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail is now the blueprint for future rail trails across Australia.

The Rail Trails for NSW Evaluation Study can be found here: Rail Trails for NSW Evaluation Summary

The NSW Rail Trails Framework to develop a rail trail can be found here: NSW Rail Trails Framework


2003 - After learning of the Central Otago Rail Trail in New Zealand, local resident Owen Fitzgerald dreamt of a similar trail from Tumbarumba to Wagga Wagga. His vision: a picturesque tourism venture that would attract visitors to the region. 

2003 - Owen was introduced to Paul Gordon Smith of Wagga Wagga who shared his vision. After receiving plenty of positive feedback, and with the support of the Riverina Regional Development Broad (RRDB),  they approached the NSW State Government to initiate a feasibility study.  

2004 - Riverina Highlands Rail Trails (RHRT) was formed as a committee of RRDB with the aim of attracting funds for the feasibility study. 

2006 - RHRT successfully secured $60,000 to complete the feasibility study. The study  involved meeting with groups including the local farming community who had specific biosecurity concerns that needed to be addressed. In the end the project was deemed feasible.  

2011 - After working its way through the political process over a number of years, the NSW Transport Minister indicated support for the proposal provided the local community agreed with the project.  

2012 – RHRT went to work garnering community support for the trail 

2013 - The Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail was born! Following a Tumbarumba community meeting attended by over 70 locals, it was determined the project had a greater chance of success if it focussed on one council area - Tumbarumba Shire. 

2013 - The committee sourced funding through Murray Local Land Services to have a detailed development plan prepared. 

2014 - Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail (TRRT) committee members and Councillors attended the formation of Rail Trails for NSW in Parliament House Sydney. By the end of the year the committee submitted an unsolicited  application for funding of Rail Trail through MP Greg Aplin. 

2015 - Turumbaruba Shire Council, along with the TRRT committee, is awarded just under $5 million for the project after submitting an exemplary proposal. This was the only rail trail awarded any funding. 

2016 - Political process to close the rail corridor began. An important step in the process in ensuring the land can be used for an alternative purpose which involved producing a comprehensive biosecurity document to address landholders’ concerns.

2017 - Parliamentary permission granted to close the rail corridor from Tumbarumba to Rosewood and remove infrastructure. 

2018 - Rail corridor transferred to Crown Lands and Snowy Valley Council (a new council created after Tumbarumba Shire Council merged with Tumut Council) entrusted with its management.  

2019 - Huge excitement as construction on the trail kicks off in February!

April 2019 - Sod turning celebration with Justin Clancy

April 2020 – While the official opening was held virtually due to Covid restrictions, the Rail Trail proved very popular with locals during lockdowns. 

April 2021 - The Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail celebrates its first birthday with a family fun day held in celebration along the trail. 

March 2022 - Since inception, over 40,000 people have enjoyed the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail!

April 2022 - The first Rail Trail Marathon was held in partnership with Wagga Wagga Road Runners and Snowy Valleys Council

February 2023 - Since inception, over 50,000 people have enjoyed the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail from the Tumbarumba counter! We celebrated with a cake and present for the lucky rider!

May 2023 - Since inception, over 50,000 people have enjoyed the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail from the Rosewood counter!

September 2023 - Volunteers continue to plant more trees along the Trail corridor

The hard working and dedicated volunteer Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail Committee are pictured below.

Thanks to Bicycle NSW, Rail Trails Australia and Rail Trails for NSW for their support in making this video which shows the benefits of the rail trail to local businesses.